Tuesday, May 7, 2013



Well I take care of our rabbits and two dogs and yesterday morning I went outside to take care of the rabbits and 6 bunny's were born! 6 and they are all alive still! I was so happy and then on top of that M's dog was pregnent and at first she had one puppy and then a couple of hours later she had another one so we had two puppy's and 6 rabbits in one day! amen, so let me tell you yes I am glad we had puppy's I wasn't here for it! some of us had gone out to do raquetball and mom and a few others stayed at the house and got to see them born well guess raquetball is bad [just kidding] but then later on we were in the dining room Pansy the dog and the one baby were in the kitchen and she had the other puppy! by the time we were out there she had licked it clean and everything but anyway they both look like their DAD except the one instead of black is more brownish I'll post some pics later.

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